Introducing The Knowledge Base

Understanding The Magic Of The

Tongue Of The Trees Cards

Understand The Workings of Essential Oils 

At The  Most Profound Energetic Level

Sample Page from The Tongue of The Trees Cards 

  • Enjoy never before seen training from two international world class aromatherapy teachers.
  • ​Experience an energetic journey across the world to some of the most ancient and enduring medical wisdoms.
  • ​Over 14 hours worth of training in 14 original lessons, delivered immediately to you.
  • Yours to keep, watch at your leisure and return to whenever you please.

TONGUE OF THE TREES Knowledge Base Videos

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14 hours of indepth training 

45 videos

Contents of The Video Knowledge Base

Blending with Intention

International teacher Gergely Hollodi looks at different ways one can blend oils to bring about a variety of therapeutic effects and products.

Foundations of Medical Astrology

The medicines of the Eastern World are well known, but somehow in the growth of orthodox medicine, the foundations of our own Western Traditional Medicines have got lost.

Hippocrates, Galen, Culpepper all drew on the knowledge of the planets and their energies to understand how disease might have been playing out in the human physical, mental and emotional bodies.

Understanding Physic

Discussing the Three World Hermetic View.

A Brief Outline to The Humours

Choleric, Phlegmatic, Melancholic and Sanguine – The Western Worlds Elements

The Four Levels of An Archetype

An archetype can be understood on the physical level, the emotional and mental levels and in terms of how one integrates and separates from things going on in the wider world, the context Jung described as individuation.

In this lecture we see how each level is separate but inextricably linked to the others.

Planetary Medicine

Sun Medicine – The Lessons of the Ego

Moon Medicine – The Lessons of Unconscious Mind

Mercury Medicine – The Lessons of The Conscious Mind

Venus Medicine – The Lessons of Love

Mars Medicine – The Lessons of War

Jupiter Medicine – The Lessons of Expansion

Saturn Medicine – The Lessons of Restriction

Uranus Medicine – The Lessons of Innovation

Neptune Medicine – The Lessons of Delusion

Medical Astrology Signs

Archetype of Aries; The Warrior

Archetype of Taurus: Peace and Mother Earth

Archetype of Gemini: Thoughts and Conversation

Archetype of Cancer: Nourishment

Archetype of Leo: The Ego

Archetype of Virgo: Systemic Organisation

Archetype of Libra: Balance and Justice

Archetype of Scorpio: Transformation

Archetype of Sagittarius: Cultural Growth

Archetype of Capricorn: Governance

Archetype of Aquarius: Originality

Archetype of Pisces: Dreams

The Cusps – Mixed Blessings of the medicines of two signs being blended together.

The Polarities

Aries/Libra - The Renal Axis

Taurus/Scorpio - The Generative Axis

Gemini/Sagittarius - The Respiratory Axis

Cancer/Capricorn - The Nutritive / Structural Axis

Leo/Aquarius - The Circulatory Axis

Virgo/Pisces - The Digestive / Immune Axis

Ayurvedic Medicine

Introduction to The Doshas

Vata: The subtle movement of space and air. How it affects digestion, the skin and thought

Pitta: The fearsome clash of fire and water and its affects on temper, fluids and organs

Kapha: The heavy mix of Earth and water and its affects on mood, digestion and fluids.

Traditional Chinese Medicine

Introduction to the Elements

Wood - The Energy of Spring

Fire - The Energy of Summer 

Earth - The Energy of The Harvest

Metal - The Energy of The Autumn

Water - The Energy of Winter

The Chakras

The Root Chakra: How it affects our internal physiology and feelings of security

The Sacral Chakra: How it affects our internal physiology, desire and creativity

The Solar Plexus Chakra: How it affects our internal physiology and sense of identity

The Heart Chakra: How it affects our internal physiology and emotions

The Throat Chakra: How it affects our internal physiology and our ability to communicate clearly

The Brow Chakra: How it affects our internal physiology and mental faculties

The Crown Chakra: How it affects our internal physiology and how we connect with the outside world and intuition.

How to Measure Chakra Dysfunction

How To Balance The Chakras

TONGUE OF THE TREES Knowledge Base Videos

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Understand essential oils as the most profound level.

14 hours of in-depth training 45 videos

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